Carrington Prison - I never knew there was a prison here until Thenmurugakani told me. The history goes like this: Long before when the British brought tea to the Nilgiris they had used Chinese as slaves (or plantation workers, to use a more polished term) to work here. The British sensing the fourth basic necessity of humans - Prison, after Food, Clothing, and Shelter built a prison at Carrington around 150 years back to house the criminals (or rebels, again to use a more polished term). Now, only the foundation remains.
Varagapallam is the starting point of a 11-km tunnel to east Avalanchi.
Both these places can be done on a single day. In fact, we started around 6 a.m., had a dip at the stream in Sirukinaru and then proceeded. Lunch to be packed in Manjur as there are hardly any hotels at Kinakorai, the small town near Carrington.
Route: Coimbatore=Karamadai=Mulli=Manjur=Carrington=Kinnakorai

Bridge at Mulli

A cool dip at the stream at Sirukinaru

Anbe Sivam

At Sirukinaru

My own Apple phone

Remnants of Carrington Prison

Antony and me at Varagapallam

At Varagapallam

Over the checkdam at Varagapallam

Checkdam at Varagapallam