To say about Grass Hills, this is one outstanding place and still a virgin territory. Very few people go there except the occasional trekkers and forest guards (I hope it remains that way). Words fail if one were to describe the beauty of the place, Mother Nature has been very generous with Grass Hills. There is a small hut in Grass Hills where you can stay overnight, but be ready as there is no electricity there. Food and other necessary items have to be carried there. But the best part is the travel to Grass Hills, which is possible either by trekking or by a Sumo. In case you are opting for a Sumo, better be prepared to push the vehicle as in some parts the ground is so muddy that it is impossible for the vehicle to move without pushing from behind (which is what we were doing for the most part). And, of course, you can expect lots and lots of leeches there.
Staying was at a place called Mudis Club, of which Ramanan was a member - a very nice and cosy place. The trip culminated with a visit to a tea factory the next day. All in all, it was a very memorable trip.
Route: Coimbatore = Pollachi = Valparai = Grass Hills.
You can catch buses from Coimbatore to Valparai via Pollachi. From Valparai, Grass Hills can be accessed by a Sumo (rent will come around Rs.1800/= for a round trip). It is a 5-hour trip.